Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Questions in class today - vocabulary

The homework answers are coming later today....

Meanwhile, today a few students had some questions regarding vocabulary. One of the words was "role". If you'd like to read an article on the role of teachers and students, there's one here. Another question that came up in class were the other names for "ER" (emergency room). New Zealanders talk about the A&E (accident and emergency). Other synonyms are: ICU (intensive care unit), critical care facility, emergency, emergency clinic, intensive care unit, medical crisis unit, trauma center, triage room ...

Lastly, someone asked about which option is correct:
a) Based on asumptions of continued low fertility, combined with the fact that people are generally living longer with each generation, Australia's population is projected to continue ageing.
b) Based on asumptions of continued low fertility, combined with people are generally living longer with each generation, Australia's population is projected to continue ageing.
c) Based on asumptions of continued low fertility, combined with people generally living longer with each generation, Australia's population is projected to continue ageing.

Answer: a & c are correct, but b is unacceptable. The reason is that you need VERBing after a prepostion (ie with + VERBing). An alternative is to place "the fact that" + normal sentence [ie a subject + verb + the rest of the sentence]. Answer "b" is neither of these, so it's wrong.

"Based on assumptions of continued low fertility" and "combined with the fact that people are generally living longer with each generation" are subordinate clauses.

Follow the link for more on subordinate clauses and examples.

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